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CMAC Visited Greece with CCPIT Delegation

Source:China Maritime Arbitration Commission Time:2024-07-18 16:29:24

From July 13 to 16, Yu Jianlong, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), led a delegation to visit Greece. Li Hu, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CMAC, and the group accompanied the delegation. 

On July 15, Yu Jianlong investigated the Piraeus Port Authority / PPA S.A. COSCO SHPPING, and had a discussion with Qu Shengbin, Vice President of the company. The discussions were focused on the opportunities and challenges facing Sino-Greek economic and trade cooperation, the current state of the business environment in Greece, and the role of CCPIT in maritime and commercial arbitration and other commercial legal services. Yu Jianlong also promoted the 2nd China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE). 

On July 16, Yu Jianlong investigated the SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU Law Firm, and discussed and exchanged views with Christos Scordis, a partner of the law firm, on the similarities and differences between arbitration in China and Greece, the development of international arbitration, and the joint promotion of the popularization and application of arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution. 

During the visit to Greece, Li Hu and the group also visited the law firm of Holman Fenwick Willan Piraeus office, the law firm of Theo V. Sioufas, and the Hellenic Maritime Law Association (HMLA). During the discussions, Li Hu introduced the latest development of maritime arbitration in China, and held in-depth discussions and exchanges with Greek organizations on strengthening the cooperation between China and Greece in maritime arbitration and jointly promoting the healthy development of world shipping.

Dimitri Vassos, a partner at Holman Fenwick Willan, Theo V. Sioufas and George P. Zouros, partners at Theo V. Sioufas, Maria Moisidou and Alexander Freeman, partners at Hill Dickinson, along with John D. Markianos-Daniolos, President of HMLA, were among the attendees. Geng Di, Case Manager of CMAC, and Zhou Xin, Case Manager of CMAC Shanghai Headquarters, joined the visit for an exchange.


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