On 7 January, 2021, the Role of Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration in China's International Shipping and Trade-Current Status and Future Seminar co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group, Dalian Maritime University, Shanghai Maritime University, East China University of Political Science and Law and Ningbo University was successfully held. CMAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center is one of the co-organizers of this conference. The Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong Ms. CHENG Yeuk-wah and the former Vice Chairman of the Document Committee of the Baltic and International Maritime Council, senior arbitrator of CMAC Mr. Phillip YANG delivered opening speeches respectively. LI Lianjun, Arbitrator of CMAC and also senior partner of Reed Smith LLP. , presided over the seminar. Dr. Wang Wenying, Secretary General of the Hong Kong Arbitration Center of CMAC, was invited to deliver a keynote speech.